Thursday, November 8, 2007

gehry denies any fault

A building that looks like it shouldn't work, doesn't work - Frank Gehry is getting sued by M.I.T. because a building he designed for them has cost them lots of money in repair costs since it opened three years ago.

M.I.T.: Your building sucks. It's cost us mad cash to fix all the cracks and leaks it's had since it opened.
GEHRY: I LOVE this building. It looks like a party of drunken robots got together to celebrate.
M.I.T.: It looks like you partied with a bunch of drunken robots when you designed this.
GEHRY: This building is way more complicated than you can possibly imagine.
M.I.T.: We paid you $15 million for this piece of crap.
GEHRY: Yeah, and I'm worth every penny! Any thing I touch becomes gold! Or, aluminum! Shiny aluminum with twisty organic forms! Instant tourist attraction!
M.I.T.: Well, we wished you had paid more attention to making sure the building actually stood on its own...
GEHRY: That's not how I work. I take shiny, curvy, throw them up in the air, and see how they land. You should know that. Besides, you're just after the firm's insurance.'s not my fault.