Tuesday, December 4, 2007


@ the library:

As I am wandering down the aisles, shelving books, I keep remembering things that I'm interested in and want to read more about. Feng shui, Chinese history, tree houses, design, Disney animation, Bill Bryson, musicals, Chopin.

There is so much stuff to learn. So much to fill myself with and it makes me feel generally good about life, the world, me.

Yesterday I listened to 'Jesus Christ Superstar' while shelving. I think I sang along. I checked out 'Aspects of Love' and have been singing along in the car. Today I feel like writing the whole libretto out. I could write out the whole libretto for 'Les Mis' too. Also 'Phantom'. I'm a big nerd about Andrew Lloyd Webber. I know a lot about music, operas, composers. It's stuff I don't use anymore but it is good to remember every now and then that I know a thing or two about a thing or two.